From conception to infancy, I nourish you and your baby as you move through each stage of pregnancy and emerge into the world. Just like in nature, pregnancy has four beautiful and very unique seasons. Nourish yourself and your family will flourish.
First TrimesteR
There is a reason you feel tired and can sleep sitting up. Your baby grows faster than at any other point in during the first trimester. By 6 weeks a heartbeat can often be heard, and by the end of 12 weeks, your baby’s muscles, bones, and organs have all formed. This is a powerful time to cultivate rest, connect in nature, and nourish you to support baby.
Together, we will help you:
Build energy
Deepen quality of sleep
Nourish to help with threatened miscarriage
Alleviate constipation & digestive Issues
Build immune strength
Calm mood swings
Second Trimester
Energy rises and your belly starts to swell. You both know baby and can now feel their movements. This trimester is filled with energy. Food interests you. A harvest of nutrients will build blood levels, develop baby’s brain and prepare for the energy needs of healing during postpartum.
We will work to balance:
Round/uterine ligament pain
Low back pain
High blood pressure
Breech position of fetus
Pregnancy induced hypertension
Gestational Diabetes
Placenta Previa
Third Trimester
Your tummy is rapidly expanding. Your centre of gravity has changed, Your ligaments are loosening. Your body is getting ready to release this little one into the world. I believe that each little one chooses their entrance. Vaginal or via C-Section, both are mothers birthing their child. I have observed what studies support. That when women receive support through pregnancy, preparing your body for delivery, labour can be shorter and less complicated and recovery in postpartum faster.
Together, we will work to balance:
Low back pain
Pelvic pain
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Breech/ transverse & Posterior presentation
Labour Preparation & Nourishment
Talk about what support post partum will look like (meals, family, friends)
Fourth Trimester –The Golden Month
After nine months of nourishing, growing and birthing another human, we focus on replenishing you. There is a saying in Chinese medicine “Treat the mother to treat the child.”
The Golden Month (or Sitting Moon), is a 28 day window of rest, connection with baby, and nourishment.
Together we will focus on supporting:
Prolonged bleeding
Lactation support (increasing, regulating milk supply)
Recovery from C-section or traumatic birth
Hormonal shifts post partum
Postpartum depression & overwhelm
Night sweats
Low energy