
Are You Flowing With or Against Time?


As we move through fall, I have been reflecting on a lecture from a teacher of mine looking at the translations of Chinese medicine texts from 475 BCE. The discussion focused on our relationship with time.

Time in relation to following the lead of the seasons (sleeping longer as the days become shorter; gathering and collecting as we move through fall and prepare for winter).

Time in relation to flowing against or with life. If fall (or winter in Calgary’s case) comes early do I fight it or flow with it. Am I right with time?

When I am running late, am I acknowledging that today is overflowing and running late and adjust? Am I rushing, and beating myself up for being late? Am I right with time?

Is my desire for something so strong and immediate that I am pushing against time? Me telling time that I want this now, not later? Rushing time? Or am I having faith. Trusting that it will unfold exactly as it should, in the timing that is best for me and all those involved. Am I right with time?

Am I fighting going to sleep to numb out with my phone, TV or more one thing on my to do list? Or am I listening to my body and natures wisdom and winding down with the sun? Am I right with time?

When I find myself sprinting through the day and forgetting things, have I not created enough space between meetings, appointments, commitments? Am I right with time?

When my energy is low, is it connected to me pushing against time?

When there is loss, am I giving myself the space and time to grieve and honor my vulnerability?

In the fullness of life, can I find a way to be in unison with nature and time? Take a moment to reflect on time within your life and where you are in this moment, without judgement.