Nourishing Your Body Though Covid-19

Wow. It feels like a year since I have seen most of you in the clinic, not a few weeks.  

We are navigating an unprecedented time for our generation. Some of you are on the front lines supporting and caring for those who are ill, others are supporting in their communities and families.  All of you have an ability to create light in what feels like a dark time. Yet let's also not be afraid of the dark.  That is where growth happens and seeds are planted.  If you aren't on the front lines, stay home, connect with your families and as my Grandmother said, "Look for the people helping Leisha...that is where you will see love surpass fear."

I wanted to share a video I put together for More Gatherings on COVID-19, self care, and supportive measures you can take at home.  This won't be new to most of you as I talk about this in the clinic with you almost each session!  Yet a reminder never hurts.

I also wanted to let you know that I have tested out video appointments with clients this week.  We did our check-in at the beginning as always, and then I guided the client through a meditation for the last half of the call, focussing on what support their individual body needed. The feedback was positive and all three clients liked the format and felt grounded and in flow by the closure of our session.  If you are wanting support, I am offering this in a few blocks per week to start and will expand from there depending on family needs at home.

For the next month, I will be donating half of session fees to Made By Mama, a local non profit organization supporting single mothers facing adversity.  If you have been impacted by COVID-19 or are dealing with symptoms, reach out to 811, then please reach out and I can do my best to support you.

I am aiming to individually connect with each of you over the next bit in-between homeschooling (which has consisted of 85% recess and 15 percent work - I clearly wasn't cut out to be a teacher and BLESS our teachers!).

In the interim, here are a few resources available that could be helpful:

Fitness/ Movement: 

  • On instagram: Fran Train Fitness - a great guy that I do group workouts with when I am home on the Island.  He has been posting doable workouts each day.

  • Yoga Santosha is doing live streaming yoga Classes.

  • Orange Theory Fitness is offering online workouts (I haven't done these yet), yet I do like their classes!



  • Next-door in our neighbourhood (an app connecting neighbours) has been a great source for knowing what is happening in your community and who may need help (essentials like medication and groceries dropped on the porch, etc)

  • If you have a few people you feel connected to in your life, reach out and meet them for a virtual meditation.  Set a time, Light a candle of connection each and "meet" in meditation.  If you want to take that further, set the intension to send love, "hold the hand" of those alone and afraid, be it in Italy or around the world.  COVID-19 is showing us how fully connected we all are.  Let's use this in support of our own circles and those beyond.  

  • FaceTime meetups with your inner support circles or those who might be showing up unexpectedly!

Please reach out if you have any questions or need support.  Sending a virtual hug to you all.
Be Well,