
Soil Regeneration, Microbiome & Rise in Autoimmune Disease

Dr. Zach Bush's work on the microbiome, regeneration of soil, autoimmune disease and the impact of glyphosates on wellness is pertinent right now, at a time when we need to support equal access to the building blocks of health, regardless of socio-economic status.  There are staggering numbers for our overall decline in fertility, both male and female factor.

Dr. Zach Bush, MD is a triple board certified physician specializing in Internal Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolism, as well as in Hospice and Palliative care. The director of M Clinic in Virginia, Dr. Bush has published peer-reviewed articles and book chapters in the areas of infectious disease, endocrinology, and cancer.

I have listened to him speak on a number of occasions, each time with new awareness and call to action. Having grown up through the summers on our family farm, this has me understanding even more deeply that we are what we eat, down to the soil and seeds that are used to grow our food and our bodies.

I would encourage you to watch this video and visit his website www.zachbushmd.com.

He is founder of Farmers Footprint, an organization connecting and inviting regenerative farming practices so that we can turn back the damage on our nutrient deprived soil. You can find more information about Farmer’s Footprint here: www.farmersfootprint.us

Nourishing Your Body Though Covid-19

Wow. It feels like a year since I have seen most of you in the clinic, not a few weeks.  

We are navigating an unprecedented time for our generation. Some of you are on the front lines supporting and caring for those who are ill, others are supporting in their communities and families.  All of you have an ability to create light in what feels like a dark time. Yet let's also not be afraid of the dark.  That is where growth happens and seeds are planted.  If you aren't on the front lines, stay home, connect with your families and as my Grandmother said, "Look for the people helping Leisha...that is where you will see love surpass fear."

I wanted to share a video I put together for More Gatherings on COVID-19, self care, and supportive measures you can take at home.  This won't be new to most of you as I talk about this in the clinic with you almost each session!  Yet a reminder never hurts.

I also wanted to let you know that I have tested out video appointments with clients this week.  We did our check-in at the beginning as always, and then I guided the client through a meditation for the last half of the call, focussing on what support their individual body needed. The feedback was positive and all three clients liked the format and felt grounded and in flow by the closure of our session.  If you are wanting support, I am offering this in a few blocks per week to start and will expand from there depending on family needs at home.

For the next month, I will be donating half of session fees to Made By Mama, a local non profit organization supporting single mothers facing adversity.  If you have been impacted by COVID-19 or are dealing with symptoms, reach out to 811, then please reach out and I can do my best to support you.

I am aiming to individually connect with each of you over the next bit in-between homeschooling (which has consisted of 85% recess and 15 percent work - I clearly wasn't cut out to be a teacher and BLESS our teachers!).

In the interim, here are a few resources available that could be helpful:

Fitness/ Movement: 

  • On instagram: Fran Train Fitness - a great guy that I do group workouts with when I am home on the Island.  He has been posting doable workouts each day.

  • Yoga Santosha is doing live streaming yoga Classes. www.yogasantosha.ca

  • Orange Theory Fitness is offering online workouts (I haven't done these yet), yet I do like their classes!  www.orangetheoryfitness.com



  • Next-door in our neighbourhood (an app connecting neighbours) has been a great source for knowing what is happening in your community and who may need help (essentials like medication and groceries dropped on the porch, etc)

  • If you have a few people you feel connected to in your life, reach out and meet them for a virtual meditation.  Set a time, Light a candle of connection each and "meet" in meditation.  If you want to take that further, set the intension to send love, "hold the hand" of those alone and afraid, be it in Italy or around the world.  COVID-19 is showing us how fully connected we all are.  Let's use this in support of our own circles and those beyond.  

  • FaceTime meetups with your inner support circles or those who might be showing up unexpectedly!

Please reach out if you have any questions or need support.  Sending a virtual hug to you all.
Be Well,

Bone Broth Magic


My fondest memories of growing up were usually on my grandmothers farm. More specifically in her kitchen, which housed a rocking chair, couch, big table for gathering and wood stove that was constantly running. Both to keep us warm and cook her nourishing food.

The one constant was a pot of bone broth simmering away through the day to make the next stew, meal or simply to drink and ward of the sniffles. As is often the case, our grandparents farm wisdom was rooted in knowing which science is now showing in research.

Part of what I love about making stock for our family, is that I feel my grandmother in the kitchen with me. A cup of tea in hand, fussing about making sure everyone is loved and cared for. Smell is so powerful, it brings me right back to the farm kitchen.

Now it is time to pay forward that tradition to my children.

Bone broths help support your immune system, nourishes your joints, nourishes and helps heal the gut lining which can support reducing allergies, food intolerances and GI symptoms, just to name a few benefits. From a Chinese medicine view, it also nourishes the kidneys which is something I will do with most clients working with me.

Its simple to make:

  • Place approximately 2 lbs of left over chicken bones (or the left overs from a whole chicken) into a deep soup pot

  • Add chicken feet if you have them for extra collagen.

  • Add left over celery ends, carrots, onion, herbs (I keep left over ends in the freezer and pull them out when I am making broth)

  • 2 Tbsp apple cider (helps to extract marrow from the bones)

  • Two inches of ginger cut (warming, aids digestion and flavour filled)

1. Fill the pot with water so that the bones are covered by 3 inches of water.
2. Bring to a boil and then simmer until it is just slightly bubbling.

The length of time to cook varies.

For those who tend toward histamine responses, shortening the cooking time initially to 1.5- 3 hrs is helpful.

Otherwise, 24 hours simmering works.

Same recipe for beef except use beef marrow, knuckles and stewing bones. I don’t add ginger to Beef stock. Simmer beef bones for 4-5 hours for those with histamine issues, 24 hours if none. Note: I like to roast my beef bones and onion for 20 min before adding to the pot for more flavour!

Aim to drink a mugful a day through the winter months or when you are feeling run down. Otherwise, freeze it and use it when you make soups and stews!

There are great resources on line. One of my most loved and used books is Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon.

Are You Flowing With or Against Time?


As we move through fall, I have been reflecting on a lecture from a teacher of mine looking at the translations of Chinese medicine texts from 475 BCE. The discussion focused on our relationship with time.

Time in relation to following the lead of the seasons (sleeping longer as the days become shorter; gathering and collecting as we move through fall and prepare for winter).

Time in relation to flowing against or with life. If fall (or winter in Calgary’s case) comes early do I fight it or flow with it. Am I right with time?

When I am running late, am I acknowledging that today is overflowing and running late and adjust? Am I rushing, and beating myself up for being late? Am I right with time?

Is my desire for something so strong and immediate that I am pushing against time? Me telling time that I want this now, not later? Rushing time? Or am I having faith. Trusting that it will unfold exactly as it should, in the timing that is best for me and all those involved. Am I right with time?

Am I fighting going to sleep to numb out with my phone, TV or more one thing on my to do list? Or am I listening to my body and natures wisdom and winding down with the sun? Am I right with time?

When I find myself sprinting through the day and forgetting things, have I not created enough space between meetings, appointments, commitments? Am I right with time?

When my energy is low, is it connected to me pushing against time?

When there is loss, am I giving myself the space and time to grieve and honor my vulnerability?

In the fullness of life, can I find a way to be in unison with nature and time? Take a moment to reflect on time within your life and where you are in this moment, without judgement.

Fertility Warrior - Connection Over Fear


October is Infertility awareness month. It used to be a week, I think it has earned a month. You don’t have to look far at a dinner party to find someone who has been touched by the wide net this casts, be it challenges conceiving, holding the pregnancy or carrying that vibrant, bright soul to birth.  Oddly though, you likely had no idea, at that same dinner party, that others were sharing a similar experience to you. Why?

Hoping to welcome a child into your family and having it not happen easily, absorbs you.  It becomes a year round push-pull within self.  There are so many questions to busy your mind with. Will we be in the same city when I ovulate, how often should we be intimate, what foods should I be eating, legs up the wall? Headstand? Maybe I should just hang upside down for an hour...we could put hooks in the wall and make that work. Herbs, acupuncture, naturopathic medicine. What is the best fertility clinic to work with?  It can be endless. There is a desperation that appears. If I am being totally honest, a shame that sneaks in. It is a deeply vulnerable experience that touches who we are, our purpose and our beliefs about ourself at the very core.

Yet let me be clear, these women and men don’t lack strength, integrity, beauty, or maternal/ paternal wisdom. They are warriors who often walk in silence. Infertility has been changed to fertility because it sounds more positive yet the reality is we are very much in the world of fertility when struggling to grow a family and that world isn’t often talked about. 

When a woman comes in to see me for fertility, we look at all of the lab work, tests completed, diagnosis’ issued and all of the data that goes with it.  We look at the holistic side of the equation and reveal its wisdom.  All of it important information.  Fear though, has a stealth way of hiding behind all of that data collection, temperature charting, exercise enhancement or restriction, timing intimacy, web searching and food logging.  More to do’s, more looking at what isn’t working, more critical judgement of self, more shame, more isolation, more fear.

Then the conversation shifts. The door is opened for her to feel heard. To be fully seen for where she is at in her unique journey. To be fully and compassionately received.   The focus moves from what isn’t happening and the fear it elicits to what expands their light. A light begins to shine and a sparkle returns to her eyes.

She reflects on questions like: What deeply nourishes my soul? What brings me joy? Who are the people that can show up for me in my beautiful vulnerability? What boundaries do I need to consider to nurture myself?  An invitation to come home to her knowing, her wisdom, her heart. Something magical happens and there is a shift, the sun begins to rise.  There is an expansion at a time when there has been such a focus on contraction. Drawing attention back to self and not feeling shame for putting self at the top of the priority list. 

Her homework focuses on solo walks in nature and adding bite sizes pieces of joy through her day.

Walks can be twenty minutes on a lunch break yet has to be outside; rain, snow, sleet or shine. No friends or animals on that walk - just you. A chance to show up fully for yourself like you offer so often for a friend. You tend to be amazing at caring for others. Now it is your turn. Self care.

A chance to let your voice be heard, anger be acknowledged, sadness shed a tear, hurt be cradled.  Then a chance to watch a bunny lock into a stare with you as she silently speaks to your heart. A chance to feel an eagle soaring over you, its power breathtaking.  You see a butterfly and are reminded of the transformation that is happening within you all the time. You see the magic around you.  Then you hear a voice yet your brain didn’t say those words.  They came through you.  A deep knowing.  Your intuition. This is where your magic is.  This is the place that counters the fear. Showing up for your soul each day, expanding your light. This is this fertility warriors journey.